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Reliable Partner service becomes even more comprehensive

Asiakastiedotteet Luotettava Kumppani

Vastuu Group is committed to developing its services to meet the needs of its customers and evolving requirements. As part of this ongoing development work, we launched an updated and more versatile Reliable Partner service in April 2024.

The updated service continues to provide information in accordance with the Contractor's Liability Act, but its content has been expanded to also include financial, sanction, responsible person, and sustainability data. This update enables more comprehensive and up-to-date access to information, bringing all necessary details into a single service.

Pioneer Customers Already Utilizing the New Service Version

Many of our customers leading in responsibility have already transitioned to the broader Reliable Partner service version and have incorporated its use into their contract processes. The update supports responsible business practices and streamlines procurement processes as well as information management between partners.

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Automatic Update for All Reliable Partner Customers

The updated Reliable Partner service version will be rolled out gradually starting in April 2025 for all customers subscribed to the Reliable Partner service. The update will occur automatically when the billing cycle renews. We will inform our customers well in advance via email about the upcoming service version update and any related actions.

With this update, the Reliable Partner Contractor’s Liability Information service version will remain available for customers who do not require the extensive data content of the Reliable Partner service. In such cases, any additional information, such as sanctions or financial data, must be provided by the customer to their client if requested as part of the collaboration.

If the customer wishes to continue with the old version of the Reliable Partner subscriber liability information service, they can inform us separately later, following the instructions provided in the update message they receive.

The service price will change in accordance with the valid pricing list upon the service version update.