
We promote the digitalisation of the built-up environment and help sector companies comply with their legal obligations. Our services make the daily operations of companies easier. We create a better and more sustainable life for people and the environment through reliable data.

Vastuu Group – Building the Future

Before Vastuu Group was established, we were known as Suomen Tilaajavastuu. At that time, our operations focused especially on assisting companies in the construction sector to manage their social and statutory obligations. Therefore, responsibility and trust have, from the very beginning, been at the core of what we do.

Along the way we have grown into an operator that still offers these familiar services to companies in various fields, but that is also very much involved in the promotion of the digitalisation of the built-up environment. We want to make the data we have collected through our services available to everyone in order to enable easier development of the sector. We want to help our customers and cooperation partners become better decision-makers, constructors, residents, and consumers of the built-up environment, as well as to develop into a more responsible operator together with them.

Imagine a future where statutory requirements can be managed by a single click, building projects are completed on time, and no money is wasted on unnecessary work. We make this dream come true!

We believe that a more sustainable built-up environment means better living conditions for us all.

Are you interested in creating a better future? Contact us, so we can do this together!

Dreaming of better living conditions

Our dream is to enable better living conditions for a billion people by 2025. Our motivation is that we strongly believe that we can leave a better world for future generations by implementing more sustainable built-up environment solutions.

  • Sustainable growth for companies through business models that are based on trust and utilise data.
  • Better living conditions for people through smart services.
  • A better future for Earth through more sustainable solutions of the built-up environment.

Self-management as the leadership practice

We have discarded the traditional hierarchical leadership model run by superiors and shifted to self-management. For us, self-management means freedom and responsibility. We trust that everyone is capable of making the best decisions concerning their areas of responsibility – and will, naturally, also assume responsibility for these decisions. Self-management naturally has its own challenges, so we work together constantly towards a better corporate culture that suits us.

Owners and Membership Benefits
