Employee Management
In the Employee Management, you can manage the information of your company’s employees. This information provides a basis for the smooth operation of many of our other services, and is used, for example, for ordering Valtti cards and submitting worksite reports to the Finnish Tax Administration.

Manage employee data
Employee Management will help you maintain the information of your employees that is required by law in the construction and shipbuilding sectors. By using the service, you can be certain that your company and the main implementer of the worksite will always have access to all information that is required by law of the employees working at the worksite.
The service will automatically check whether the details of your employees have been entered into the public tax number register that is maintained by the Finnish Tax Administration and will notify the user if the information is incorrect.
We want to maintain the information security of the Employee Management service at a high level, for which reason we require that the users of the service verify their identity through electronic authentication when they sign in into the service for the first time.

Employee Management provides a basis for the smooth use of our other services:
- All the necessary information can be found in one place for the ordering of Valtti cards.
- The main implementers of worksites can use the employee information you have provided for employee reporting. You no longer need to submit the personal data of the employees separately to each main implementer. All you need to do is to report your company to the work site.
- You can add the competence information of your employees easily to the Taito Competence Register.

Do you need help?
All instructions and frequently asked questions related to the Employee Management service can be found in our Support page.

Download a guide on the Occupational Safety and Health, Tax Number, and Tax Assessment Procedure Acts